Thursday 5 May 2016

The Effects on the Problems that Acid Rain Produces to the Society and Species

Alexandre Bekos
Start: Friday, April 8, 2016
End: Tuesday, May 5, 2016
The Effects on the Problems that Acid Rain Produces to the Society and Species
Fig 1 Pollution causing Acid Rain

Acid Rain is one of the major factors around the world that destroy vegetation, plant life and animals, it can be scientifically proven that Humans are the main cause of Acid Rain. (see fig 1) Do you believe that humans are the cause for  Acid Rain to occur? Can it be proven that Acid Rain destroys soil organisms and other species?
First of all to understand the acidity of Acid Rain it can be measured with a pH level, a number system is used from 0 to 14 which determines the acidity. Acid rain is slightly acidic because it mixes with oxides that happen in the air. Rain that would not be polluted it would have a pH level between 5 and 6. As the air gets more polluted with Nitrogen Oxides and Sulphur Dioxides then the pH level can increase up to a pH level of 4. The most extreme occurrences were recorded up to a pH level of 2  which does not happen that often.

Second Acid Rain or Acidic Deposits that Fall from the Earth's Atmosphere is produced from the pollution of factories and vehicles, the fossil fuels. This term was first invented by the Scottish Chemist Robert Angus Smith to describe how the Acidic precipitation in Manchester first impacted the environment. Different Gases we burn such as fossil fuels contain sulfur dioxide which can harm the environment and if humans or animals inhale it then they can get choked and possibly die. Sulphur Dioxide is a gas which comes from volcanoes and sometimes factories depending on what they are producing.
Fig 2 Affected Trees by Acid Rain
Thirdly when Sulfur Dioxide is combined with the water in the clouds then it produces Acid Rain, it usually is more acidic than the normal water. Acid Rain can damage trees, plants, lakes, seas, animals and other organisms. Firstly When Acid Rain is produced and is poured on trees it can damage the waxy layer on leaves and trunk making it more difficult to photosynthesize(see fig 2). Second of all Acid Rain can damage rivers making it more difficult more sea animals to survive, when the Acid Rain comes in contact with the water it mixes and transformed it toxic making it unusable to animals, bathing and extraction of clean water. Third of all  Acid Rain damages lichens which grow on tree barks and rocks, these species are used as biological indicators of sulphur dioxide that need healthy rain which Acid Rain is the contrary.  

Fig 3 Britain's Chimneys 
Fourth of all the Greenhouse Effect has a huge impact on Acid Rain. The Greenhouse effect is the thermal radiation (heat) from the Earth’s surface to stay in the earth. The problem is if Acid Rain is produced then it combines with gases helping it to destroy the layers of the atmosphere. For example Acid Rain is a common problem in britain because at first they built very tall chimneys which did not decrease the problem, it only caused more problems because then it would be easier for the wind to transport those gases and then for Acid Rain to occur somewhere else. (see fig 3)  If we (humans) want to decrease this problem then we shall not pollute into the air, the problem of the problem is that we cannot stop factories and cars from polluting however we can start to place filters that clean the bad gas to release a cleaner and more purer gas. This could decrease deforestation, death of mammals and  danger to the atmosphere. Second of all different human activities such as farming and burning fossil fuels can cause Acid Rain. Farming causes the production of methane and nitrous oxide such as rice fields, cattle and animal waste which is used as a fertilizer for crops.
Fig 4 Statues Destroyed by Acid rain

Fifth of all buildings can also get destroyed with a massive amount of Acid Rain which in places does occur. Buildings, statues, vehicles, pipes and cables can get destroyed in time with all kinds of winds, snow, rain and other natural causes however Acid Rain helps to speed up the process by destroying them much quicker (see fig 4). The worst types of rocks that are affected by Acid Rain are Sandstone and Limestone which are more likely to get affected.

Sixth of all we can prevent Acid Rain by reducing emissions. Firstly we could get new ways to burn fuel so we don’t produce much pollution. Second we could get rid of Sulphur by spraying a mixture of water and powdered limestone which will reduce Acid Rain. Third we could find new ways in how to use and produce less energy. Fourth we could walk, cycle or share cars to reduce pollution. Finally we could restore lakes by having powdered limestone (liming) added to the water to neutralize it however it is very expensive.

In conclusion Acid does affect trees, lakes, animals and even buildings which is a problem in our society. It has been proven that Humans cause Acid Rain with pollution however we still have a chance to fix it. Are you going to start making a difference to the world?

Sources for Writting:

#1-"What Is Acid Rain?" What Is Acid Rain? N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016. <>.

#2-"Acid Rain and Global Warming." BBC. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2016. <>.

#3-"Acid Rain." The Environment: A Revolution in Attitudes. 2008, Richard Haeuber, "Acid Rain." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. 2002, "Acid Rain." World of Earth Science. 2003, Morton Lippmann, "Acid Rain." Dictionary of American History. 2003, William E. Sharpe, "acid Rain." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.. 2016, "acid Rain." A Dictionary of Biology. 2004, Arthur H. Chappelka, "acid Rain." World Encyclopedia. 2005, AILSA ALLABY;MICHAEL ALLABY, "acid Rain." The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English. 2009, and Michael Allaby. "Acid Rain." HighBeam Research, 01 Jan. 2008. Web. 05 May 2016. <>.

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