Sunday 8 May 2016

Acid Rain- MIhailo

   Mihailo Karadzic
   Mr. Youell
   Science 9A

Acid Rain

Acid  rain is type of rain that comes from the clouds and it is a very weak acid that is composed of water droplets, sulphuric and nitric acids. Acid rain can take many different forms. The most common forms are: snow, rain, fog and tiny bits of dry material that settles to Earth.
This type of rain comes from the sky, where in clouds nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide mix with water droplets. These two compounds come from: factories, coal-burning power plants, power stations, automobiles, rotting vegetation and volcanoes.
Some of the products of burning fossil fuels are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These two gases are released and are mixed with air, water and form nitric acids and sulphuric acids. These acids can spread easily by wind for hundreds of miles. When it falls it hits oceans, buildings, rocks, river systems and ends up in soil. 
Image result for acid rain effectsImage result for acid rain
The biggest effects the acid rain causes are on lakes, streams, wetlands, and other aquatic environments. When acid rain falls into bodies of water, the bodies of water become more acidic and tend to absorb aluminum. This combination is toxic to animals such as crayfish, aquatic animals, fish, and clams.
Some plants and animals can tolerate acidic water better than others. Even these species overtime less tolerant. Some species such as birds are tolerant to acid rain but the food they eat is affected by the acids. When they eat food that has been affected by the acids they intoxicate their bodies.
When the acid rain falls it comes into contact with leaves and needles which are in turn damaged. Forests that are located on top of mountains are one of the first things to be affected. Soils get robbed of their essential nutrients and aluminum goes into the soil. This aluminum makes it hard for trees to absorb water.

Trees become weaker due to the effects of acid rain in combination with other environmental stressors. Plants become less able to withstand cold temperatures, insects, and diseases and have their ability to reproduce inhibited. Certain soils are better at neutralizing acids than others. The soils that are bad at neutralizing acids are prone to quickly lose an enormous amount of nutrients.
In order to minimize acid rain, the sources of acid rain must be regulated. Fossil fuels should be burned less often. Alternative fuel sources and cleaning up industry smokestacks should curb emissions of gases like nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. This acid rain effect can’t be stopped immediately.
To reduce the amounts of acid rain on the planet we must slow down the production of gases (sulfur dioxide and nitric oxides) that mix with water to form sulfuric and nitric acids. Also, people can start conserving energy by using less electricity in their homes, at work, etc. which will require less energy to be produced by electrical power plants which as a result would slow down the emissions of said gases. Vehicles are another source of pollutants that cause acid rain. The reduction in cars on the street and other vehicles will result in less acid rain. Instead of driving to work or school people can use public transportation, carpool, bike, or take a walk.

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