Tuesday 3 May 2016

Acid Rain - Tara

Tara Jevrosimovic
Mr. Youell
Science 9A

Acid Rain

Acid rain is a big problem to the world today, but in order to solve this problem, everyone has to contribute. What is acid rain? It is a rainfall acidified by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. It is formed when these oxides, found in factory smoke, power plant smoke, car exhaust, react with the moisture in the atmosphere. Carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide are also compounds of fossil fuels. After breathing in carbon monoxide, it passes into the red blood cells so that the blood is able to carry less oxygen than it is supposed to. This is a dangerous substance that causes tiredness, unconsciousness, and even death. Sulfur dioxide is also a gas that when fuel is burned, has a sharp and choking smell. When this gas dissolves in water droplets in the clouds, it produces more acidic rain than normal, it is given the name acid rain.
acid rain jpg..png
Figure 1: "This image illustrates the pathway for acid rain in our environment". https://www.epa.gov/acidrain/what-acid-rain

There are multiple causes of acid rain. One of them is the Industrial emissions from power plants and factories that burn fuels like coal or oil, natural gas, and emit smoke that gives off oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. Vehicles such as cars and buses that burn gasoline and diesel are one more cause of acid rain. This burning fuel operated transportation is damaging to the environment and living things, acid rain is just one more problem to this pollution. Home fires such as chimney smoke are another cause. Especially in the cold time when the house needs heating. Only 10% of pollution caused by acid rain comes from natural causes such as swamps, rotting plants and volcanoes. They give off sulfur dioxide, which is the major cause of acidic rain. 90% causes of acid rain are man made, which leaves the human race responsible for the majority of problems that harm Earth.

Figure 2: shows the factory smoke. There are about 10 million factories in the world, so imagine how much the air is atmosphere is polluted. http://captainkimo.com/plums-of-smoke-from-factory/

The reason why acidic rain is such a big problem, is that it kills plants, marine life, and damages buildings, statues, and bridges. Rivers and lakes become too acidic for aquatic life to survive. Trees have a hard time absorbing minerals they need to survive, because of the damaged waxy layer that protects them. Acid rain is not bad for humans unless they drink it, however the pollutants sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide do harm human health. Acid rain causes buildings, bridges and statues to deteriorate faster than normal which ruins the hard work and effort especially the worth of some old statues. Birds and other animals that feed on fish living in affected waters also risk their health because of the acid that enters and eats out their system.
Figure 3: This is an image of dead fish in a lake, on the surface. https://www.thinglink.com/scene/768500360259043329
There are a few possible solutions to this problem. The use of fuels that burn more clearly is one possible solution, but companies have to contribute and to adjust their products so that they don’t do any harm to the world. For example, factories and power plants chimney’s can be fitted with scrubbers that release 90-95% sulfur free smoke and produces sludge from which gypsum, a building material, can be produced. Another solution can be lichens, these can be used as biological indicators of sulfur dioxide pollution. Lichens grow on rocks or tree bark, on exposed places so they could easily absorb nutrients and water to grow. Rainwater contains enough nutrients to keep the lichens alive; sulfur dioxide dissolved in rain, damages lichens which prevents their growth. That’s why they could be considered as natural indicators of acid rain, to help people see whether or not the rain is acidic. In order for this to happen and in order for some progress in the solution, our involvement and dedication has to be shown. We have to try and save our planet and help the living beings on it.

We as individuals can do so much to minimize the side effects of this problem. Either get a solar powered or electric car that doesn’t pollute, walk, or ride a bicycle to the shorter destinations. Also, minimize the use of electrical devices such as lights and computers, and make the world a better place for you and for me.


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