Friday 6 May 2016

Acid Rain

Predrag Sutanovac
Science 9B
Acid Rain

Figure 1: Acidic rain cycle
One of the major current issues in the world is acid rain. Acid rain is just like normal rain, but it is acidic. It causes problems for plants, animals and humans. It has high level of nitric and sulfuric acids, and it can come in forms of snow or fog. In figure one we can see the cycle of acidic rain. 


There are numerous causes to acid rain, such as natural causes or human activity. Some natural causes include rotting vegetation or volcanoes erupting, such is stated in the "National Geographic-Acid Rain" Article. However, it is us humans who deserve the most blame for the increasing amount of acidic rain fall. Whenever we generate electricity and burn fossil fuels by; using cars/vehicles, coal burning power plants, or factories, we release sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen oxides (NOx) into the atmosphere. When these chemicals react with oxygen and water they form solutions of nitric and sulfuric acids. These solutions are stored in clouds, which can transport them almost anywhere using the force of wind. Later, the solutions are precipitated from the clouds onto the ground.  


Figure 2: Trees after being affected by acidic rain

-Forests are one of the victims of acidic rain, especially those in higher elevation. When the rain reaches trees it harms the leafs of the trees with its acid. Also, the rain will make it hard to the trees to receive water from the ground. It does this by releasing aluminum into the soil and taking away crucial nutrients from it. In figure 2 we can see the effects of acid rain on forests. 

-Aquatic life is another victim of acidic rain. Many lakes, fish, and any other creatures near water are affected by acidic rain. The rain that previously fell onto the soil is now transported through it. It enters streams and lakes making them acidic, it also releases aluminum into them. The fusion of these components together makes the water toxic for many creatures in it and around it. In figure 3 we can see that different species can withstand a different amount of acidity(PH level) in water. 

Figure 3: This chart shows that not all species
can withstand the same amount of acidity in water
-Also, it is not only marine life being impacted by acidic rain. Any other species that eat life forms which have been in toxic water can also be impacted by the acid rain. Us, humans are not influenced directly by it, though it can still have an effect on us. For example, if a fish has been living in a toxic lake and a human eats that fish, the person can be affected.   


Humans cannot have an effect on natural causes of acid rain, but we can attempt to stop doing things that contribute to the creation of acidic rain. Instead of using fossil fuels as our major source of energy, governments should try to find other sources such as: solar energy, geothermal energy and wind energy. Citizens can also help this cause. Instead of reaching a destination by driving a car which burns fossil fuels we could use the metro, electric cars, bikes, or even walk. To stop contributing to the formation of acid rain we must try harder to change their life style in order to help plants, animals and ourselves. 

For more information on acid rain visit these links:


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