Thursday 5 May 2016

Acid Rain

Acid rain

As you may know, acid rains are very bad for the environment. But do you really know everything about acid rain. Here you are going to find out something more about acid rains.
First I will tell you what is acid rain. Acid rain is the result of air pollution. Air pollution is made by gases and those gases are coming from burned fuels that are coming from cars and factories. Some of the gases (especially nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide) react with tiny drops of water in the clouds and they combine into sulphuric and nitric acid. Then it falls to the ground as a weak acid and there is where the name comes from “acid rain”. (image 1)
(image 1)
How much is acid rain acidic?
 Those kind of chemicals are measured in pH scale. The pH scale is measuring with numbers from 0 to 14. The number 0 represents the most acidic chemical and 14 represents alkaline (opposite of acidic). Number 7 represents neutral in this scale (image 2).
(image 2)
The very strong acids (0 or 1) would burn the human skin in any kind of contact, but luckily acid rain is not that strong. It is much, much weaker. Acid rains are usually around 5 to 6, sometimes it can even come to number 4. The highest scale for acidic rain that was ever recorded was number 2.
How dangerous can acid rain become?
 Acid rain is making really big problem in the world. One of the problem is that it is destroying buildings and statues. The walls of the buildings are getting rougher and rougher which could lead to the destroyed buildings in next twenty or more years. The statues are also getting rough and nobody can see the actual face of a person or an animal on the statue (image 3). In a time the statues will disappear and nobody will know that there was even a statue. That is really big problem for human history.
(image 3)
Also the trees are getting destroyed. Their branches and the ground around them. And in the end it kills them. Acid rains can also effect living being such as humans and animals. When acid rain rains, a lot of that rain goes to the lake or river and the little organisms are then infected by acid. Then the fishes are eating them and then other bigger animal eats fish and so on. In the end are humans or some really big animal. Then we or that other animal are infected and we are going to be sick.
Is there a solution for pollution that causes acid rain?
Luckily there is a solution and most people know it, but they ignore it because they do not know how much damage acid rain can make to them. The solution is very easy. Even you can help the environment to become better. The solution is to minimize the use of all electronics as much as possible. If you are not using any device turn it of. You can buy many electronic devices that are using less energy than the regular devices. If you and your family are going somewhere on holiday do not forget to turn thermostat (the device that controls temperature in the house is usually using most of energy) and many big devices of, because they are using a lot of energy in the house. . Also one of solutions are to minimize the car use. A lot of people are using cars even if they do not need it at all. Even if they are going somewhere close. If people would use less cars and instead run and pollution would reduce about 15%.
Now after this blog I hope that you have more sense about acid rain and how much damage can it make if people are not careful. So I really hope that you are going to watch about around for the environment and do not cause pollution.

Thank you.

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