Friday 22 January 2016

Top Science news of 2015

Aging is a significant issue in our world with billions being spent every year on anti aging products. The influence of media and culture in our society show aging as a negative and sometimes awful process. Unfortunately, this fearful and unfavorable attitude about the aging process has become more universal in our modern world. However, this has stimulated much research and a greater understanding of the factors that contribute to aging and what practices can potentially slow down the process. People's habits and daily behaviors can have a significant impact on the way they age. There are many factors that influence aging such as smoking, alcohol intake, lack of sleep, stress and many more. Scientists are trying to find easy solutions (ex:pills) to possible delay that aging process in our cells. Many people don't want to put in the hard work to visit the gym and eat healthy, so  product such as a pill could slow down aging would be an attractive option.

According to research, the rate at which people age can depend on certain health indicators. These certain health indicators can include cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and body mass index which is the measurement of the amount of body fat as opposed to the amount of muscle tissue in the human body. Another important factor in our aging could come from our DNA and how tightly packed and arranged it is within our cells. Researchers discovered people who tend to have a higher "biological age", have decline of  deoxyribonucleic acid packing. The aging process begins in one's cells and scientists have found that certain proteins within brain and liver cells can become damaged over time and exhibit some main cellular functions. These proteins help communicate messages to various other cells as well as organize the cells within our bodies, which scientist suspect could play a key role in the aging process.

Researchers are basically wanting to understand exactly why some people's "biological age"is far higher than others and what can be done to help solve this problem. In their research, scientists also discovered what is referred to as the blood- brain barrier which is a absorbent barrier that separates the circulating blood from the brain in order to defend the brain from toxins. This barrier tends to break down in certain areas as we age, exposing our brain to toxins. All of these factors including what we already know about aging (example: damage our mitochondrial DNA) can allow a breakdown in barriers and these breakdowns are what scientists give to the often dreaded process of aging. Next on the view for researchers is to understand what cellular changes are driving the aging process and use this understanding to develop an anti aging drug. "One day, doctors might prescribe drugs that fight aging, just like prescribing drugs for diabetes or high cholesterol."

In order to better control and slow down aging process, scientists understand that people need to eat healthy, exercise, get enough sleep and reduce stress since all of these factors can have a direct effect on one's cholesterol, blood pressure and mass body index which can all affect the aging process. Obesity, diabetes, smoking, insomnia can increase damage to cells as well and speed up the aging process. I find it interesting that most people are already aware of actual ways in which they can tackle increasing aging. I think an anti aging pill would would be a billion dollar idea as many people are looking for quick fix to prevent the signs of aging. However, with every "quick fix" there tend to be both pros and cons. I decided to further my research into the possibility of the development of anti aging pill and found some interesting studies being conducted.

An alternative method that makes people look more youthful is botox. Various dermatologists have observed botox. Botox is not anything new, it's been used for a while now. The age that people usually get botox injected is around 40-59 years (when you would normally start to age). Botox is an injection that gives it the power to make wrinkles invisible by disabling the facial muscles. The treatment would last for about 4 months and 82% of people see an improvement in the first week of the treatment. Usually the botox treatment does not hurt but in some sensitive areas (ex:forehead) it might. If the treatment lasted for about 4 months they could have done something more natural for staying healthy because botox is made from a toxin that is made by clostridium botulinum.

Researchers from Duke University School of Medicine found a variety of biological patterns that can predict how a person will age over time. Since aging is a main contributing factor to the development of disease and disability, it is an important topic to investigate so studies were done to try and change a person's metabolism in order to slow down the aging process. Scientist developed a"pill that contains the chemical precursore to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a compound that cells use to carry out metabolic reactions like releasing energy from glucose" ( This pill would have the body act similarly to as if a person was on a diet and therefore slow down the aging process. Another study focused on Telomeres which are the caps found at the top of DNA which protect our chromosomes. The study found that "Skin cells with telemeters lengthened by a procedure were able to divide up to 40 more times than untreated cells."

( This could also be a key component is being able to combat the aging process.

Another very interesting story of 2015 is about a lady who grew with a major genetic immune disease was it seems thats cured her in her 30s by one among her chromosomes shattering into portions and reassembling. Scientists traced the lady's improvement of the elimination of a detriimental gene through this scrambling of DNA in certainly one of her blood stem cells, lately recognized phenomena that until now had only been linked to melanoma (cancer).  This


For years, scientists have been wondered how long would it take for an object to fall through the center of Earth and reach the other side of the planet. Physicians thought that the answer was 42 minutes and 12 seconds, but the latest research estimates about 4 minutes less.
Physics students, who were trying to solve the gravity tunnel problem, had to find out how the force of gravity on an object changes as it falls through the tunnel.
If  Earth had the same density throughout, the strength of the gravitational force pulling an object toward Earth's center is changing in proportion to the distance from the center. Because of that, an object tends to zip back and forth through Earth in simple harmonic motion.
But, Earth does not have a uniform density. Alexander Klotz, a graduate student in physics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, used the Preliminary Reference Earth Model in his research. This model is based on seismic data and traces Earth’s density from the surface to the center. Using this change of density, Klotz found that it would take 38 minutes and 11 seconds for an object to fall through Earth.
It is interesting that he got almost the same result (38 minutes flat) when he used constant force of gravity, equal to the value at the surface. This is because the force of gravity increases slightly down to the core, and then falls with distance. An object spends very little time passing through the core because of its high speed. That is why the approximation works well.


In my opinion the most significant discovery linked to the future of mankind in 2015 is discovery of liquid form of water on planet Mars (figure 5). Even though the water on Mars was previously discovered, this time NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Spacecraft found salty minerals in water. Liquid water found might be the prove of outer space life. Curiosity Rover, examined the surface of planet Mars and found nitrogen, which is used in creation of DNA. Scientists found methane while examining six Martian rock, methane is a source of food for microbes on Earth. If there really are conditions for life on Mars, then Mars will serve as another planet for life of a mankind.

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    EBI: You could have added a reference of your pictures however the rest is amazing!

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