Thursday 21 January 2016

Scientific Advancements of 2015

Elzbieta Janusauskaite 
Mr. Patrick Youell 
Grade 9 Science
January 13, 2016 

Scientific Advancements of 2015
2015 was a plagued with mass terrorist attacks and the proclamation of several wars, however the scientific and technological advancements alleviated the horrific events and impacted human knowledge of ourselves and the universe around us significantly. The enigma surrounding the biological aging of humans, the origin of the so called "Kennewick Man", and the discovery of another early human kin were important revelations. 

According to Science News, scientists have confirmed that people grow at different rates, after a series of experiments involving testing on rats and studies of several hundred 38 year olds. Duke University conducted analysis of human DNA, and asserted that some people compared to other were significantly younger. This investigation measured body mass index, blood pressure, and cholesterol level. Aging has always been a controversy amongst biologist, the experiment has confirmed that people grow in different stages and that it is this that affects how some live to 90 while others die of natural causes at a younger age. When young and healthy, the human DNA is held together in “bundles”, otherwise called heterochromatin{regions of DNA found throughout the chromosomes of eukaryotes} (. Comparing the DNA strands of those young and old, a change can be seen; elderly persons contain DNA that is not as “tidy”. Before the investigation, these signs were recognized as a premature aging disorder. This experiment though effective, does not provide all the needed information to determine natural growth from an abnormal disease. The next step for these scientists is continuing to analyze biological aging and eventually aiding them to design specific pharmaceuticals which would prevent aging. 

DNA is able to tell the exact age of any living object, the previuos experiment tested DNA to reach the conclusion that people grow at different rates. Furhermore, DNA is also able to measure the age of something that has died; the Homo Naledi, once discovered, was given the age of 8,500 years. 

The remains of an 8,500 year old skeleton were discovered in Washington state in 1996, since then the so called “Kennewick Man” has caused several arguments amongst scientist and Native Americans. The issue began when the federal court ruled that the sacrament remaining would not belong to the Natives, as there is no evidence of his relation to any specific tribe. However, as technology has improved scientist have been able to identify the bones by examining its genome; he is related to several Native American tribes. Eske Willerslev a paleontologist {scientist who studies fossils} at the University of Copenhagen says: “The reason we can come to these conclusions is because the skeleton was kept for science, but the conclusions show that he was Native American in the first place.”
Fig 1. Skull of the Kennwick Man 
Meaning that the controversy surrounding the Kennewick’s man heritage had caused a multitude of problems between scientists and Native American tribes, and it was only by chance that those same scientists discovered that in fact the skeleton originated from a Native American tribe. Previous examination had suggested that the skeleton had Polynesian or Japanese traits, however the problem was that whatever the origin, scientist were unable to present enough scientific evidence to support their claim.
The scientists had tried to sequence the DNA of the Kennewick man back in 2005, however with no success. Yet, a few years ago another bone from an Anzick child {name given to the remains of Paleo-Indian male infant found in Western Montana in 1968 that date to 12,707–12,556 years}  was used to gain access to the DNA, that proves that the Kennewick Man was related to tribes such as the Alonquin { most populous and widespread North American native language groups}.
Fig 2. Location of Nadelis and Overview of Cave 
And although he was very alike to the tribe, and to the Polynesian and Japanese peoples, he was not one of them.

In relation to the skeleton of the Kennewick man, a more present issue has arrised concerning a new species of the genius Homo, called the Homo Naledis. 

The National Geographic published article said that a new species of the genius Homo was discovered in the Dinaledi Chamber of a popular cave in South Africa. The Naledi is a primitive hominid, meaning that it is an early ancestor to both humans and apes. who is also an early ancestor of humans. The cave itself has been known to possess remains of various ancestors, however this is the first hominid to reach as far into the cave as the Dinaledi, scientist reason that because the Naledi was found so deep in the cave its preservation is extraordinary, as there are no broken bones nor any other physical damage.  The deepness of the cave can be seen in image #2. However, no archeological evidence exists indicating that the Nadeli lived in the chamber, bringing scientist to the conclusion that the bodies were disposed of for a purpose, such as a ritual or burial. Yet, doubts do exist; compared to the brains of other ancestral human remains that of the Naledi are significantly small, indicating that they did not have to mental capacity for complex thought. So how did the Homo Naledi get to the cave? 
Fig 1. Features of the Homo Naledis 

The following stories are of global significance, as they address issues that are relevant to all people. I believe that the following stories are significant because they not only appeal to human future but it’s past. The phenomenon of how not all bodies act there are breaks previously set boundaries  of biology, making the idea of a mythical fountain of youth possible. The Kennewick man, although a story more regional, makes evident the controversy amongst scientist and indigenous people. This raises a global issue concerning the fate of people such as the Native Americans under political negligence. According to the National Geographic, mystery of the Homo Naledsi lies in its age and how it is that the bones were located so deep in the cave. And although, it is quite easy to determine the age of fossils in East Africa, due to examination of layers of volcanic ash or the decay or radioactive elements found in the ash, this skeleton was found buried in shallow ground, with no evidence of volcanic ash.  In conclusion, these stories all have helped shape human understanding of ancestors and their own biological aging.


By Jamie Shreeve, National Geographic Photographs by Robert Clark PUBLISHED September 10, 2015. "This Face Changes the Human Story. But How?" National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2016.

"Year in Review: Not All Bodies Act Their Age." Science News. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2016.

"Mystery Solved: 8500-year-old Kennewick Man Is a Native American after All." Mystery Solved: 8500-year-old Kennewick Man Is a Native American after All. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2016.

"History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian." History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2016.

"World Socialist Web Site." Scientists Reveal the History and Analysis of Kennewick Man -. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Great story! You were very specific into each topic and added plenty of really good details with inspiring words!

    EBI: You could have referenced your images according a specific place in your text and you could have not changed the font that small.
