Friday 22 January 2016

Science News Review 2015 Lan

Lan Mozetic
Jan 25,2016
Patric Youell

After reading many of the stories about the different science related breakthroughs in 2015 i have chosen the following three as the most important ones.

Ebola was and still is a greatly talked about problem. Most people know that it is very contagious. The Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in Congo. The greatest outbreak of Ebola started in Guinea in December 2013.Ebola is a virus with several strains and it can cause the disease Ebola hemorrhagic fever. People that are infected with the Ebola virus get their immune system destroyed and eventually start bleeding internally and externally .Depending on the outbreak from 50 - 90% of the infected die from (EBV)

Picture 1:This is what Ebola looks like in the body. This (thing) attacks your
organism and causes internal and external bleeding. 

Pharmaceutical companies raced to make the Ebola vaccine and finally in 2015 two vaccines were put into trial and gave very good results. One vaccine has a live replicating (can duplicate) virus and this will make the immune system fight back. The other vaccine is made of a virus that can't replicate. One trial was done in Guinea and the other trial had US and West African participants. The Guinea trial used the ring strategy which means that one patient gets the disease his/her closest contacts are vaccinated. This should stop the disease from spreading. Mari-Paule Kieny who is an assistant director general at the (WHO) said "it is certainly promising. We have seen that where rings have been vaccinated, the transmission has stopped." The World Health Organization believes that the vaccine will be effective between 75%-100%. Since the vaccines showed no side effects they are going to be given to children.

Picture 2: After 48 years of the Ebola virus the pharmaceutical companies
finally made a vaccine against Ebola!!

I think that it is not fair!! I think that it is not fair that so many people had to die in order to get the vaccine to the people that needed it. The first outbreak of Ebola was in 1976 that was 48 years ago. I wonder what would have happened if the Ebola outbreak happened in Europe? Would the pharmaceutical companies have taken so long to make a vaccine that would save lives? It is good for Western Africa to become a stable region for people to travel and invest money into Africa. Africa needs it.

Water on Mars
We have all heard that someday we will find a way to locate a plant that will be suitable for our needs. Back in sometime during September 2015 NASA announced that they have something big up their space sleeve. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) they have announced that they have found sighs of water on Mars. And no i don't mean the chocolate mars bar with a cup over it but the red planet.

Picture 3: Not what i mean when i say water on mars

There have been indications that there has (a long time ago) been water on it and oceans and lakes may have been a big part of the planet. NASA is planning to send a drone to Mars that wouldn't look for extraterrestrial life but that the drone would pick up stones, sand and other sorts of minerals that would show that there has been water on the red planet. Big deposits of water are found in the ice capes of Mars. Frozen water lies beneath the surface of a part of mars. There is also liquid water that flows down steep slopes. Scientists have confirmed that these are sciences of salty water running down the surface of the planet.

Picture 4:The different pictures show that water has been on the plan 

"The detection of hydrated salts on these slopes means that water played a vital role in the formation of theses streaks" Said lead author, Lujendra Ojha.

Finding water on Mars I a game changer. Now we are a step closer to making it our second planet that humans have lived on. But there is a problem! We as in humans have spent billions upon billions of dollars on the trips to the moon and sending a drone to Mars, Pluto, etc... But why are we trying to find a way to get to another planet and not trying to save this one. Let’s fast forward a couple thousand years right! We have made our way to Mars and concurred it. What are we going to do to our sweet mother earth? Are we going to leave it destroyed or will we still care? The only thing that is going to happen if we come to Mars is the same thing that happens on Earth. We are going to destroy Mars as well. We are going to live there and then destroy it in a matter of millions of years. Why do we have to move to another planet when we can just stay and fix Earth!

Why is the water on Mars so important to us? Is there a shortage of water on earth that we have to find another? 75% of the earth is water! 3% is drinkable. Why can't we spend more money on making more water plants that will turn salty water into drinkable water. Let’s go back to Mars. We hope to find life on Mars. What are we going to do? We hope to find primitive life forms on Mars. This is all fine if it make solutions for earths problems. That's what science is about- to explore and discover. That's how we came to be.

 Fireman gets a new shot at life

One of the most exiting stories in medical science was the complete human face transplant. This unbelievable face transplant is surely one of the most amazing stories in 2015 that I have read. A 41 year old firefighter Patric Hardison from Mississippi who was a volunteer got horrifying burns in 2001 during a rescue mission. The firefighter got heavy burns across his face, head, neck and upper part of the body. He didn't eye leads, ears, lips, eyebrows and lost almost his entire nose. He had 70 separate operations to try and restore some of his skin. Patric was finally sent to Dr.Rodriguez, who had experience in facial reconstruction surgery. It took a team of 100 doctors, nurses and technical staff to make this successful face transplant. The operation lasted about 26 hours after which Patric revived a new scalp, parts of bone in the chin and cheeks, ears and ear canals  and a new nose. Patric also got new eyelids and muscles that control them. "  His surgery set new standers in facial transplantation and will serve as an amazing learning tool.", said Dr.Rodrigez.Dr. Rodrigez is well known in this section of medical help several mounts have passed and Patric is doing really well he is receiving anti-rejection medication and doing rehab to recover his speech and strength

Picture 5:Before accident/after accident/new face

I think that it is good that this man got a new shot at life. He lost his face trying to save someone and i think that that is very heroic. He lost all fecal fitters and didn't look like a human. He then got a face of a man that died in a cycling accident that his body was reserved for donation of body parts. This man (that died in a cycling accident) also gave away his heart, liver and kidney. He gave his face to a good cause.

Work sited

1 comment:

  1. The stories were interesting and well selected. I wish that some words were explained as some might not understand the scientific/technical words/language used in the text, like EBV and also, there were some misspelled words like meany.
