Monday 11 April 2016

Effects and Causes of Acidic Rain

Elzbieta Janusauskaite 
Mr. Patrick Youell
9A Sciences
Effects and Causes of Acidic Rain
By definition acidic rain is rainfall or other percipitant (such as snow), that contains a high concentration of acids produced by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. It is thus dangerous to the Earth and its plantlife and wildlife. The irony is in the cause of acidic rain; why, or rather how, is it that the very pollutants that kill the world are both a cause of human actions, and a danger to our very own health?

I will firstly adress the causes of acidic rain. It is created by the emittance of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide compounds into the atosphere, which in turn mix with H2O and hydrogen, and in so doing create acidic pollutants. As the substances creates weight very little, they are carried around by the wind and create rain, sleet, snow, and even fog. Human activity is, without doubt, the leading cause of acidic rain; air polluting sources including mass producing factories, power generators, and automobiles. The production and burning of coal, and other fossils is a leadining contributor to the gaseuos emissions. Other natural sources of pollution are volcanic eruptions; they release gasses that not only affect the vegetation of local farms but the health of the population living around the area. Dimenthly sulfide is an element produced, which is a boilogical contributor to sukfur. Lighting bolts are also a an exmample of natural pollutants, they produce nitric oxides that mix with water molecules, and therefore produce nitric acid.
Fig 1. Effects of Acid Rain: Deforestation

According to National Geographic , the effects of acid rain are extensive, though none more than those affecting biodivesity and ecology. The rain pollutes not only lakes, but steams and river and in so doing causes grave danger to its aquatic populations. Just like a virus would affect a man, wekaening its systems, acidic rain perpetuates an 'ilness' in tress that leave them in danger of disease, which can be seen in Figure 1.  When acid rain reaches the surface of a water body, the water is accumulated and in time lessens the PH of the water, therefore killing aquatic animals (animals need to have a PH of at least 4.8 to be able to survive in water). Acid rain also affects forests, when it hits the trees it not only dissolves the leaves, but corrupts the bark. The acid can also alter the biological activity as well as the chemical composition of soil and its PH. In relation to the pollution of trees and soil, acidic soil also damages vegetation. Finaly, I will disuss the effects of acid rain on humans and their daily lives. Buildings that are build with limestone are open to corrosion, as well as the many other metal made things. Although, there are no direct affects of acid rain on the public, if high concentrations of gaseous particles are inhaled, they can further lead to heart and lung problems, as well as sicknesses such as bronchitis or asthma. 
Proposed solutions include the clean up of exhaust pipes and smokestacks, restorations of damaged enviroments,  and the usage of new alterante energy sources. Policies and other actions on national and international levels should contribute to the reduction of SO2 and NOx emissions as well as inspire other to contribute to the "revival of the Earth" through little actions, that though small will in the end provoke a positive chnage. We should not be victims of our own fatal actions. 

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