Monday 11 April 2016

Acid Rain Milica 9A

Acid Rain

Acid rain had been harming our planet for many years, mostly due to human activities. The burning of fossil fuels releases gases like Carbon monoxide and Sulfur dioxide. These gases become part of the clouds and the rain turns acidic. There are factories all over the world that burn fossil fuels, which is why Acid Rain has become a very big issue globally.

Figure 1: Acid Rain World Map 

Carbon monoxide is released when the fuels are burnt in a limited amount of air, the gas has no smell or taste to it but it can cause tiredness, dizziness, unconsciousness and even death if it's breathed in. Sulfur dioxide on the other hand, has a sharp and choking smell to it and is released after the burning of coal and oil. Once it evaporates into the clouds, it makes the rain or snow even more acidic. The acid rain destroys the waxy layer on leaves, which makes it more difficult for the trees to absorb minerals that they need to survive. Acid rain can also make lakes and rivers become too acidic for any marine life to survive in them.

Figure 2: Diagram of how Acid Rain is made 

Lichens are associated with fungus or alga, they occur as crusty or bushy growths on trees. Lichens  are widely used as a biological indicator of sulfur dioxide pollution, because they grow on very exposed areas such as trees, barks and rocks. Most lichens need very clean or little polluted air to grow. Only a few lichens can tolerate highly polluted air, they can then be found on pavements, walls and tree bark in urban areas. The most sensitive lichens are the leafy and shrubby ones, while the least sensitive ones, have a crusty look to them.

Figure 3: Lichen on a tree

The first thing anyone can do to help control acid rain, is to understand the problem. Energy production creates large amounts of the pollutants that cause acid rain, one thing anyone can do, is to turn off any electrical equipment that is not being used (laptop, lights heaters, air conditioners..) Some could try to use things that require less energy. Another major thing that people could do, is drive their car less, this would decrease the amount of CO2 released into the air.

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